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We got married on October 14, 2017. Knowing we didn't want a normal one week honeymoon we came up with a five to six month honeymoon instead.  But first get to know how we met....


Summer of 2014 a mutual friend of ours, Lisa, was going on a month long hiking trip to Colorado with her dog, Mario. She first invited Jimmy, who she met in Norway, to come along... as Jimmy always does, he said yes without hesitation. Then a night out with Lisa, which Katie has been friends with since childhood, invited Katie and her dog, Zeus, to go with her and Jimmy, not totally convinced Katie would go but she said yes. 


Late June Lisa and Katie packed up the Rav4 with two dogs and headed to Minnesota to pick up Jimmy! Not really knowing what any of us were getting ourselves into, we headed towards the badlands... this is where our EPIC trip of the year would start. After a week in South Dakota, spending more time in Toyota dealerships than anywhere else, we were finally on our way to Colorado.


We celebrated the 4th of July hiking Devil's Causeway, the one hike Jimmy wanted to do!! Two days later we planned to hike three 14ers but Jimmy had another plan..... He didn't know at the time but he had a new idea of getting a girl... 


This is short version..... Jimmy ended up having 4 seizures on a mountain in the middle of the night! With Lisa and Katie in total shock of what was going on, Zeus scared to death of Jimmy and Mario actually seeing what was happening, we managed to get Jimmy down the mountain to meet an ambulance. 

After an ambulance ride, a helicopter ride, an induced coma for 4 days, staring at him for 5 days at the hospital, meeting his whole immediate family, seeing him wake up (pissed off at the world not knowing what happened at all), and seeing him getting his strength back to walk again was all a very emotional time for Katie... She gets very emotional a lot and cries easily (even if she just met the person).


Unfortunately that was the end of Jimmy's EPIC road trip... One thing Jimmy did decide on this trip was that he was never again going to camp in a three person tent with three people and two dogs. 


With one man down..... Lisa, Katie and the two dogs kept going but agreed on keeping the rest of the trip low key and still staying in touch with Jimmy. :)


Fast forward almost four years to now and here we our, about to embark on a new journey as husband and wife (hence this blog).


Jimmy is an avid biker who has biked around Australia, the South Island of New Zealand and across the United States.


Katie has never done a bike tour BUT does love to travel!!

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