" The Dalton Highway is one of the most isolated roads in the world. It is said to be the loneliest road on the plane." - dangerousroads.org
We board a plane with about 10% of the plane filled..... we are located in the very last row! 50 minutes up then down and we are officially in Deadhorse, AK. We walk off the plane onto the tarmac and in through a door that leads us to a large room where they have baggage claim, check-in, and security all in one. When you have 50 people waiting to get on the plane and about 25 people coming off the plane the airport is full!! And then you add two big boxes adds for excitement and stares. Once all the hustle and bustle has calmed down we tackle the job of putting our bikes together. With a couple items around and a few asking what you are doing, it not too hard to get the bikes back in one piece.
we unload our suitcase, which both have fallen apart but made it to its destination!
To make sure our bikes work before loading them up we test them, Jimmy is all set. Katie gets on her bike and instantly has a flat tire! @&#* we haven't even left the airport and we have a flat. Time to fix that.... 2 hours later, pinching a new spare tube to make that flat and back to the first tube we finally have a working tire..... just in time for the airport to close.
Not a good way to start the trip, we both start to think what the he** have we gotten ourselves into?!?!
you step outside the airport and you endless amount of flat land and open sky with shipping containers occupied by the oil companies. (If you love oil Deadhorse is the place
We head to the only general store for bearspray and a gas station to get fuel for our stove. Gas is $5.60/gallon up in the Arctic! The only thing we want to do is either go home or set up our tent and go to bed, the last plane out has already left so i guess setting up the tent it is!
We hope we get a better feeling tomorrow or we are kind of screwed!